понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve been meaning to spork this Mal/Jayne fic for�a while now.� Itapos;s really weird because everyone is In Character except for Mal and Jayne.� Itapos;s pretty jarring to have Wash, Kaylee, Book, and everyone else acting like themselves because when Mal and Jayne pop up, I feel like, "What happened to Mal and Jayne, and who are these diabolical masters of disguise?"

Sporking in bold.

Eight pairs of eyes regarded him with varying shades of disbelief.
Washapos;s�eyes�had�a teal shade of disbelief while Kayleeapos;s were�more of a�puce.�

Bright-eyed, River watched Jayne from behind a curtain of hair.
Now Iapos;m picturing my sisterapos;s bedroom curtains replaced with Riverapos;s hair.� DO NOT WANT.

He was looking down at the table, sadness haunting his usually pugnacious face.
Aaaawww...Itapos;s EmoJayne.

Sensing something, he glanced up and caught her eye.
"The Force is strong with this one," thought Jayne.

apos;Whatcha lookinapos; at, Moony?apos; he growled, embarrassment turning his voice gruff.
Remus Lupin just wants to know where the hell he is, who these people are, and how the hell he got into this fic.� Is that so much to ask?

apos;I would dance with the suns of a thousand worlds and sing with the music of the spheres,apos; she said. apos;Also I would have a real chocolate milkshake.apos;
Not even River is that random.

apos;I donapos;t allow my desires to rule me,apos; she explained. apos;I wouldnapos;t be very good at my job if I did.apos;
That does sound like Inara, but it also sounds like James Bond in Casino Royale.

apos;I... These questions... There are some things should be kept private, is all.apos;
"Like whether I prefer the Cardinals or the Cubs."� (Mal is a Cardinals fan, by the way.)

apos;All right, I surrender.apos; He held up his hands. apos;If this were my last night in the apos;verse, Iapos;d tell ya all how proud I am oapos; ya. Then Iapos;d fish me out the bottle oapos; Scotch Iapos;ve been savinapos;, go share it with the person I regret not sleepinapos; with. Iapos;d even tell apos;em I regret not sayinapos; how I feel, see if theyapos;d mind me stayinapos; the night.
Um, do you think Scotch survived 500 years into the future?

apos;See, this is why I donapos;t share,apos; he complained, pushing himself away from the worktop. apos;You all only laugh at me. apos;Scuse me while I go rescue whatapos;s left of my dignity.apos;
Here you go, Mal.� I put the pieces of your dignity in this sparkly little bag. *hands bag to Mal*

apos;Thereapos;s only one person I regret not sleepinapos; with, anapos; thatapos;s you. Anapos; thatapos;s the one thing Iapos;d say, anapos; Iapos;m tellinapos; it to ya now. All the times itapos;s nearly been my last night in the apos;verse, I ainapos;t cared apos;cause I ainapos;t thought nothinapos; of it apos;til after. But every time itapos;s been the night after, Iapos;ve thought oapos; buryinapos; myself so deep in ya I wonapos;t ever find my way out again. Anapos; every time itapos;s been the night after it were nearly yer last night in the apos;verse, Iapos;ve had ta lock my hatch ta stop myself goinapos; ta yer bunk anapos; holdinapos; ya, just ta make sure yer alive.apos;
Who the hell is this and what did he do with Jayne?

Maybe I should just do my research paper.� It would be a lot�less painful than this.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

dance history mongol

i had a freaky dream yesterday........
is it real????...
or was i juz dreaming n thinking to much??????

but it was darn freaky........
i was like a some NTUC supermarket.....
with 3other frens.....didnapos;t remember who.......
but den one of them was like my bf.......
which is weird coz i donapos;t have a bf.......
den half way while buyinh grocery i saw my mum n dad........
den it became weird coz my mum saw my bf(so call bf coz i don even have one) hugging me......
den i woke up.........

weird rite???....
but its like freaky coz i remembered wat i dream at nite....
coz i seldom remember stuff.......
but nvm.....
i guess theseapos;s alot of possibilities in life.........

mayb its a sign???
mayb its juz a coincedence???...
who noes.........

Dreams at times hold a significant meaning...
But what does it mean???
Its random unclear...
And at times ends without reason........

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and ascending.
As growth continues,
Heaven is nearer.
Up along the bricks,
beholding the sight of
blue skies, clouds,
storms, stars, -
all in all nature.
Old thou hast become,
wondering what confines thee.
Profound thought and sorrow,
then massive perplexity.
Thou art withering,
deteriorating off the bricks.
As thou fall and die,
thou comest to
the liberating realization
that getting older is mandatory,
growing up in optional.

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ethnic conflict in yugoslavia

Hissing as they kissed the hot coals with their posonious lips, the rain began to whisper, the embers began to choke, and for one last time the dying flame danced its heart out, goodnight, to the sky.
Forgotten at the sound of thunder, a blue, fleece blanket and four cushioned lawn chairs, surrounded the smoldering fire pit. Four former tree branches rested their sticky heads upon a rock nearby. The sticks had no intent to roast any more marshmallows tonight. Instead they laughed, mockingly, at the foreign furniture, that would only be junk by morning.
Then, it began to pour.
The rain invaded a stranded, half eaten bag of potato chips. It began to seep into every crevice of the leftover hamburger buns, and an open can of cheese dip.
The cushions didnapos;t even want to talk about it.
The colorful leaves that the trees held, high above the ground, began to give in to the pattering of the rain.
The rain never stopped its feeling of fury. It desperately wanted to see the roaring fire, wishing intensely to be able to spend hours feeding the flames. Using logs from the immense woodpile, which would slowly diminish over time.
The rain was feeling jealous.
The sky gushed raindrops that poured all over the tarnished, red wheel barrel and an axe with a wooden handle. It began to drench the undersized fire pit to a point so sever that it seemed to imply that a flame never here exist again.
But no matter how much rain the sky let loose, the smoke smell still remained. And the memory of the dancing flame, would one day dance again.


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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

beautiful buxom woman

I liked this letter posted on Salon, in reply to the Palin statement that she likes visiting pro-American parts of America (N.C.). Kudos

"These people really donapos;t have any other cards to play, do they? My God, they have so little to offer about the economy, healthcare or foreign policy that theyapos;re back to the Rovian "liberals hate America" nonsense.

Well, howapos;s this for a counter-meme: "conservatives hate freedom." Thatapos;s right, you, Ms. Palin. You and your ilk hate freedom to control reproductive rights, freedom to marry, and freedom to vote without being threatened with disenfranchisement, among others. In association with your pal W., you hate the Constitution, civil liberties, dissent, and the middle class. And apparently, as indicated by their attendance at your rallies, you hate blacks, Muslims, Arabs and anyone who isnapos;t screaming "USA USA"

Nobodyapos;s buying what youapos;re selling anymore, Neocons. Enjoy your 50 years of upcoming obscurity. When Iapos;m a little old man, maybe youapos;ll get some power back."
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Yes, Iapos;m literaly tugging on my hair as Iapos;m doing my intermediate fiction writing homework i.e. Reading peopleapos;s stories they handed in and writing a critique for each of them...I really think some people in this class arenapos;t meant to be ehre because they. Can. Not. Write. For. Shit
So the first paper I read is about some guy who has come back from a war he was in and goes back home to his NYC apartment in the ghetto area, but is still paranoid about being shot at or whatever. He switches mid story from 1st person to third which makes me go o.0 and starts adding characterapos;s names everywhere. I say only names because he gives no detail as to who these friggin people are anywhere at all. And he seems to have a vendetta against some guy name Jason who he plans to go shoot somewhere in the vacinity and heapos;s taking pills but we dont know why. WTF??
The second story I burst out laughing at the end because it was the most cliche horror story Iapos;ve ever read. The narratorapos;s old neighbor gets murdered by a man called The Butcher, who ends up in this girlapos;s house one night and tries to kill her himself, of course. The one survivor of this guy is some woman named Mayra who keeps calling the Butcher "they". Thereapos;s more than one? The parents then leave this 16-year-old home alone because of some "emergency construction worker meeting in Florida" Yes, because every parent would leave their kid home alone, on a dark and stormy night no less, while a killer is on the loose. Heapos;s waiting in his room for her and was a bit of a perv I must add, and he sees her (the serial killer) and says "Iapos;m gonna cut you from the inside out." I lost it. RIght there was where I lost any hope for this story. Thereapos;s almsot no dialogue, its all summary, and sheapos;s lying on her back, reaching for a fire extinguisher IN�HER�ROOM and the guy doesnt see her do this She hits him and he starts CRYING *smacks head against the desk* Then at one point heapos;s watching her and goes "Who so sad?" You got that out of friggin The Dark Knight, donapos;t lie, and change it to something else you copycat...lol sorry.
These stories were awful Theyapos;re making me not want to write anymore. At least I can safely say I think mine is pretty good. I will post it in Twilight_Words soon...yeah, forgot thereapos;s no L� in Worlds for that journal, sorry guys. But OMFG I wanna jsut shake these pepole and tell them to get out of the class- they cannot write. At least I know when to add detail and dialogue AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH
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....has been added to my 2009 convention schedule.

The nice folks who did such a splendid job with Gaylaxicon 2007 in Atlanta have decided that a local convention for GBLT-and-Friends fans of SFF is in order. Theyapos;ve invited me to be a guest and participate in the fun, and Iapos;ve happily accepted.

So youapos;ll find me May 1 - 3, 2009 in Atlanta, participating in OutlantaCon. A fine time is anticipated.

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