I liked this letter posted on Salon, in reply to the Palin statement that she likes visiting pro-American parts of America (N.C.). Kudos
"These people really donapos;t have any other cards to play, do they? My God, they have so little to offer about the economy, healthcare or foreign policy that theyapos;re back to the Rovian "liberals hate America" nonsense.
Well, howapos;s this for a counter-meme: "conservatives hate freedom." Thatapos;s right, you, Ms. Palin. You and your ilk hate freedom to control reproductive rights, freedom to marry, and freedom to vote without being threatened with disenfranchisement, among others. In association with your pal W., you hate the Constitution, civil liberties, dissent, and the middle class. And apparently, as indicated by their attendance at your rallies, you hate blacks, Muslims, Arabs and anyone who isnapos;t screaming "USA USA"
Nobodyapos;s buying what youapos;re selling anymore, Neocons. Enjoy your 50 years of upcoming obscurity. When Iapos;m a little old man, maybe youapos;ll get some power back."
beautiful buxom woman, beautiful buts, beautiful but not rare recovery, beautiful but lie nothing.

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